Process Engineering Calculator Details
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Process engineering calculator is a set of common calculators grouped into one software. The calculations are carried out and produced in summarized report that can be copied and used in other external calculations. The software currently stands at 25 calculators but have the potential to grow further. The aim is to provide a productive environment for all users.
Publisher Description
Process engineering calculator contains the calculators described below, to read more about this product please visit webbusterz website.
+ Units converter: containing 23 measurements with 200 unit conversions.
+ Orifice sizing: Size an Orifice using International Standard ISO 5167-2:2003 or crane method
+ Control Valve Sizing: size control valves CV using Masoneilan method, Calculate CV or Flow rate from a given CV for different services
+ Relief Valve Sizing: size valves based on API 520 and API 521
+ API Gravity: measure how heavy or light a petroleum liquid is comparing to water.
+ Cavitation Coefficient: used in centrifugal pumps. also can calculate the pump head providing that the Cavitation coefficient is defined
+ Cavitation Number: to characterize the potential of the flow to cavitate calculate the cavitation number and back calculate the local Pressure or vapor Pressure or velocity
+ Erosional Velocity: use API RP 14E to estimate the erosional velocity, mixture density, minimum pipe cross sectional area
+ Head loss: head loss and pipe cross sectional area using Darcy Weisbach equation also plot profile charts
+ Heat Exchanger Unknown Temperature: calculate any unknown one or two temperatures on the hot side or the cold side.
+ Heat Transfer rate (Heat duty): for sensible and latent heat transfer
+ Hydraulic Diameter: for rectangular, elliptical and annulus pipe types
+ Linear interpolation calculator: interpolate between tabulated values.
+ LMTD calculator: Log Mean Temperature Difference for counter current and co-current flow
+ MMScfd Converter: convert mass flow or volume flow to Million Standard Cubic Feet
+ Nozzle Pressure Drop calculator for shell and tube heat exchangers
+ Pipe Friction Factor: Darcy and fanning friction factors using 2 equations!
+ other calculators including Pipe Sizing, Pumping Power, Reynold's Number, Scale Resistance, Sonic Velocity, Vapor Pressure, Velocity in Pipe, Vessel Volume and Vessels Liquid Height.
Download and use it now: Process Engineering Calculator
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